The Luberon
The Luberon

central provence
central provence

Famed for its 25km ochre deposits that paint the landscape with hues of red, yellow and purple. Treasured also by artists for its rich colour palette. In fact this bright mix of clay and quartz leaves its mark on whatever it comes in contact with, especially your clothes and it is nye on impossible to get rid of.
There are some feathered inhabitants that mimic the ochre hues. Yellow is represented in serins, golden orioles and siskins. The reds of a goldfinch’s face mask, the legs of partridge and the pinky tones of the jay. Purple is represented in the blue tones of rock thrush, close up views of a magpie and the spectacular electric blue of a kingfisher.

The Luberon has a multitude of natural environments, reserves of exceptional biodiversity: 1,800 species of plants (35% of French flora) including 70 protected by statute, 135 species of birds (50%), 2,300 species of butterflies and moths ( 40%).
Other notable keystone species are the ecosystem engineers that are beavers. They can be found around Cavaillon and the Coulon Basin. Their dam building can mitigate flooding, cleanse and filter the watercourses of dirt and pollutants, all this whilst creating an ideal environment for numerous other species of insects, amphibians, birds and fish.